This diagnostic equipment is manufactured by Seimens as a part of their SDIS Diagnostic and Information System.
This is the most complete system tester for BMW's. It reads and resets faults, reads component values, triggers components (actuator test),
substitutes values, identifies computer hardware and software, performs coding and programs computers.
It is also integrated into the service writers program and the parts department ordering programs.
It covers all systems found in the car that can be accessed by electronic means. New
versions have a satelite uplink for updating information and programs.

Please note that this page is about original diagnostic tool provided by vehicle manufacturer. The tool can be usually bought only by authorised dealer. We do NOT sell this equipment. The page is intended only for educational purposes.
We provide our own third-party scantools for automotive diagnostics, both for after-market repair and as an alternative for original delaer tools. Please use navigation bars at the top of this page or left navigation menu to select appropriate diagnostic software.